Got a lot of junk but not enough to rent a dumpster?

We know so many families that want to clean house but don’t have enough junk to fill a dumpster. If you fall into that category and don’t have a truck, or the time to go to the local dump, we have the answer! One customer was looking into buying the bagster, which retails for approximately $30. Not bad, right? The only problem is, it costs about $179 to haul it away!

A great option, that most people may not think about, is sharing a dumpster rental with other neighbors. If you don’t have enough junk to fill a dumpster yourself, no problem. Chances are your neighbors would be happy to go in on it with you so you can have a neighborhood home clean out party. Think about it. If you rent a 10 yard dumpster from The Dumpster Divers for the current rate of only $329, and you go in on it with 3 other neighbors, that’s only $109 per family! Much more economical with far less hassle than getting a dump sticker and hauling all of it away yourself! And, $109 less per family than each family getting a bagster.

Customer service and satisfaction are our top priority. One of our other priorities is reducing landfill waste. We research all the local Transfer Stations to ensure that we are using only the ones that have adequate recycling procedures and facilities in place.